2012년 5월 27일 일요일

The Rice Thief, Gejang(게장)

I introduced Gejang(게장) a little bit in the post, Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea. I like Gejang very much, and my hometown, Yeosu, is famous for Gejang. Also many Koreans like to eat Gejang with rice, so Gejang is called the rice thief. Actually, this nickname is real! When I eat Gejang with rice, I can eat a bowl of rice with only two legs of crab. Because of this reason that people eat a bowl of rice quickly with Gejang, it is named with the rice thief. There are two types of Gejang: one is Ganjang Gejang(간장게장) the other one is Yangnyeom Gejang(양념게장).
←Yangnyeom gejang

Gejang is made by marinating fresh raw crabs either in ganjang (간장, soy sauce) or in a sauce based on chili pepper powder(양념, yangnyeom). The term consists of the two words; ge() means "a crab", and jang() means "soy sauce" in Korean. Although gejang originally referred only to crabs seasoned in soy sauce, it has begun to be called "ganjang gejang. These days yangnyeom gejang (양념게장) is also appeared to Kroea. Yangnyeom gejang (양념게장) is relatively a new dish that emerged since the restaurant business of gejang began to thrive in Korea. "Yangnyeom" means "seasoning" or "seasoned" in Korean but refers to the spicy sauce made with chili pepper powder.
←The Rice Thief
My mother sometimes makes me Gejang, but it takes a long time and labor. Its needed fresh crabs and it has to marinate in soy sauce for a long time, like three or four days. Therefore, I recommend that eat Gejang in restaurant instead of making Gejang. There are many restaurants of Gejang, but I recommend only one restaurant in my hometown, Yeosu. There is very famous restaurant of Gejang in Yeosu. That restaurant is popular to the people from another city. The restaurants name is 황소식당 (Hwang-so sikdang). There are always long lines in front of the restaurant, so you have to wait to eat. This is weak point of this restaurant, but this restaurants Gejang is wonderful! The reason that people wait a long time to eat is this restaurants Gejang. Also the price of menu items is very cheep. I really recommend you that come Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea and eat Gejang in 황소식당. It will be a wonderful trip to you.

댓글 1개:

  1. Your blog writing score was 8/8, but now your score is 9/8!

    I might have tried gejang on Saturday morning, though it was as a side dish in an oyster restaurant in 격포, 전라북도.

    Have you begun volunteered at the Expo?
